Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Looking into the family tree

My Great and Great  Great Grandfathers in front of the Great x2's Brewery Kegs John Beck x2 and Augustus Zemke x1

Delivery System

Becks Brewery
Becks Tavern 1923

One of Great x2 Houses

Elizabeth Rakowski Zempke, 1854 - 1925,My Great x2 Grandmother, Augustes's Mother
The church in Brusy Germany where many of my ancestors were baptized

Myself, my brother Chip and sister Deanna
The 3 musketeers

My son Corey
My son Nikolas

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Wondering what to do tomorrow?

Isn't nature wonderful

The best blogger!

Wow - Still no members! I shouldn't be shocked. I haven't sent anybody the address that I know. I sorta like the freedom that comes with not being read by the people I know. I need to get some followers though so I am not just talking in the wind. I would like to form some sort of a group for people who are in the same boat as I am. I will add some recipes and pictures of some of the other things I do to stay busy. I would like to find out what other ladies do with their time on a very limited budget?